Inspiring Homeopathy


Common symptoms of Carcinosinum and Cuprum met.


FAMILY HISTORY of cancer or heart disease


*Carc.: because he feels so uncertain

*Cuprum: because if he admits to being wrong it undermines the purpose of his life: to prove that...................; he feels that he has to be strong and willful for that and never give up

FASTIDIOUS in his work; UNTIDY except for what he is working on; desire to ARRIVE ON TIME for an appointment; fears to make mistakes; fears to be criticized

*Carc.: he is fastidious most of the time only in his work to avoid being criticized; for the same reason he will be on time and is anxious if late

*Cuprum: he becomes irritable or angry when others are late because it disturbs his planning and because he wants everybody to follow the rules, otherwise his own capacity for controlling every situation is undermined; it is easier for him to make mistakes if it does not jeopardize his final goal

Strong sense of RESPONSIBILITY, aware of his duty

WORKAHOLIC; always occupied;  ameliorated by occupation

*Carc.: feeling of guilt when taking a rest without having finished all the work; even when sitting he has the feeling that he must do something: reading, knitting, crocheting, etc.

*Cuprum: he is a workaholic because he has to perform in life; he has to finish his work because he has planned it for that day; he has high expectations of himself

EASILY OFFENDED, takes everything in bad part

*Carc.: because he wants to hide his uncertainty

*Cuprum: because he cannot stand contradiction, he does not want to be weakened by critic

ANTICIPATION, anxiety anticipating an engagement

*Carc.: he has fear of failing, feels uncertain; anxiety when people are late, because of emotional dependence; anxiety about others

*Cuprum: he has anticipation because he cannot control the situation, especially in new, unknown situations; he will try to inform himself as much as possible about the situation and organize things in advance


*Carc.: because of being overtaxed, of too much pressure; he tries desperately to answer the expectations of others and those which he imposes on himself

*Cuprum: because he has only one purpose in life, to prove he can make it and therefore he can hardly relax and works as hard as two or three persons together; when he is finally overworked he is completely burnt-out.

The specific Carcinosinum side

1.         WEAK DEFENSE MECHANISMS on the mental, emotional and physical plane

2.         LACK OF REACTIVITY; no fever for a very long time

3.         INABILITY TO REFUSE ANYTHING; WANTS ALWAYS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY; feeling of guilt when refusing anything; occupied with the needs of others, but completely unaware of his own; permits others to overstep his own boundaries

4.         SYMPATHETIC; anxiety about others

5.         FEAR of CANCER; in a crowd; in narrow places; in high places; spiders, mice, snakes; failure in examinations; failure; thunderstorms

6.         HORRIBLE THINGS affect him profoundly; cannot watch murder, suffering, cruelties, surgery, etc., on TV

7.         Sensitive to MUSIC; weeps from music

8.         Loves DANCING; marked sense of rhythm

9.         Desire to READ or DYSLEXIA or impossibility to read because of difficult concentration or mental exhaustion; difficult concentration during conversation

10.      Desire to TRAVEL


12.      SLEEPLESS; difficulty falling asleep, overactive ideas, needs several hours to fall asleep; wakens at 4 a.m.; sleepless during a large part of the night; unrefreshing sleep; sleepless after 4 a.m.; ameliorated by a short sleep during the day

13.      EXHAUSTION, when overtaxed and overworked, too much pressure

14.      MAIN PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS: hay fever; chronic, long continued coryza; chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis; infectious MONONUCLEOSIS; acne; fibromas, ovarian cysts; sterility; warts on soles and palms of hands; acne, pustules on the back; severe acne; molluscum contagiosum

15.      AGG.: before menses: aggressiveness, sadness, irritability, industriousness, swelling of mammae, painful mammae

16.      AMEL.: short sleep; occupation

The specific Cuprum side

1.         Mental RIGIDITY; physical RIGIDITY; STRONG-WILLED

2.         Very organized; planning everything; likes to have an overview of the entire situation; likes to have everything under his control

3.         CRAMP or TENSION on the mental, emotional and physical level; mental RIGIDITY, physical RIGIDITY; lack of flexibility

4.         Physical tensions: convulsions, migraine, asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension, spastic colon, cramps or tension in muscles, trembling, twitching, Raynaud’s, coldness of extremities

5.         AMBITIOUS; will be THE BEST

6.         Very respectful of RULES; angry when others do not follow them

7.         Very sensitive to INJUSTICE

8.         CAUTIOUS

9.         SERIOUS; CLOSED; suppressed feelings

10.      FANATICISM, never gives up

11.      Likes STRONG PHYSICAL EXERTION that require endurance: running, swimming, bicycling; wants to win and goes to the limit; feels much better after strong physical exertion

12.      HARD WORKER, very active, never has time to rest or to relax; has many activities, very organized; other people can hardly believe that one person can do so many things; works so hard yet does not feel fatigue; he plans the whole day; strong desire to finish the task at hand; PERSEVERES, never gives up

13.      HARD on himself and on others

14.      Desires to be INDEPENDENT, reluctant to ask for help; DICTATORIAL

15.      COLD FEET, icy coldness; coldness of hands, of fingers (RAYNAUD’S)

16.      AGG.: mentally or physically overworking;  touch, before menses; suppression, suppressed foot sweat

17.      AMEL.:  occupation; cold drinks (cough, nausea, vomiting, hiccoughs and spasms); perspiration